Insect Trapping Updates Jul-23, 2024 – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Insect Trapping Updates Jul-23, 2024

Squash Vine Borer

While we have disseminated several Delta traps throughout the state, we are getting few reports back from collaborators. Those who have reported recently (Allen, Marion, and Knox Counties) are all still reporting adult moths being active and caught in traps.

Corn Earworm

Be sure that you are monitoring your dent corn in the area, as thresholds change for the need to spray. If dent corn in silking, the average nightly count that would trigger a spray is 10, while that number drops to 1 moth per night, IF your sweetcorn is also in the silk stage. If you have late plantings that are not yet silking, they do not need to be sprayed. The only area of the state that is reporting catches close to 10 per night is Jennings Co. So, if dent corn is still silking in your area, your silking sweetcorn is safe. If dent corn is done silking, threshold have been exceeded in most locations that are reporting and therefore you may need to spray your silking sweetcorn.

Tomato Pinworm

At this point in the season, we have started to capture adult moths at almost every high tunnel we visit throughout the state, except the upper northwest corner. Be on the lookout for blotchy mines on the leaves. If you see them, the best strategy is likely to remove the leaves and destroy them. Numbers were low in June, so the pressure is likely not too high yet. If you are worried about high infestations or have a large amount of fruit at risk, you can use a Bt foliar spray to target the eggs as they hatch and dig into a mine. The other vulnerable stage is the late instar when the caterpillars leave the mine and pupate. We have seen heavy pruning be efficient to manage this pest.

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Page last modified: August 5, 2024

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