Ready for the Snow, Resources for Tunnel Growers – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Ready for the Snow, Resources for Tunnel Growers

As I sit by the window watching the snow fall, I can’t help but think about what’s on the minds of many high tunnel farmers right now: Can my tunnels withstand the snow? It’s a concern I haven’t faced in recent years, but this winter feels uncertain.

As you can imagine, ensuring the safety of your tunnels under heavy snow begins during construction. Unfortunately, if that wasn’t addressed then, it’s too late now to make structural changes. However, there are still practical tips and tricks that can help you protect your tunnels during heavy snowfall.

This morning, I came across several excellent resources that I’m excited to share with you—just in case you haven’t come across them yet.

Prevent Greenhouse Collapse This article from The University of Vermont Extension highlights essential strategies every grower faces snow challenge should know.

I particularly like ‘Grower Experiences’ under Heavy Snow on this webpage A Guide to Preparing High Tunnels for Extreme Weather, it is also from University of Vermont Extension. Many great practical tips.

Managing Snow and Ice with Greenhouse and High Tunnels from NC State Extension. It has some additional information.

Lastly, I recommend this video, I find the information shared by the farmer is valuable How our tunnels are holding up in the snow

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