Southwest Indiana Melon and Vegetable Growers Annual Meeting – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Southwest Indiana Melon and Vegetable Growers Annual Meeting

Date: Mar. 12, 2021
Time: 9:00am-noon EST
Location: Virtual, connection information will be sent 3 days prior to the event.

There is no cost for this program unless you need PARP/CCH credits. To receive PARP/CCH credits you must register and pay by Mar. 5th, at PARP participants must attend all sessions between 9:55-11:55am to receive credit. CCH participants need to attend the whole program (9am-11:55am) to receive credit. If you would like to participate in the program and do not have a need for PARP credit, register at this link

 9:00    Fruit set in Vine Crops-Gordon Johnson, University of Delaware
9:25    Effects of using low tunnel and grafted plants for plant establishment under low temperature stress-Wenjing Guan, Purdue University
9:40    Updates in fertility management of watermelon production-Wenjing Guan, Purdue University
9:55    Managing Anthracnose and Gummy Stem Blight on Watermelon with Fungicides in 2021-Anthony Keinath; Clemson University. PARP
10:20  Having your cake and eating it too: watermelon pest management-Ashley Leach, Jacob Pecenka; Purdue University. PARP
10:40  Weed Management update-Steve Meyers, Jeanine Arana; Purdue University. PARP
11:00  Pesticides in Storage-Fred Whitford, Purdue University. PARP
11:55 adjourn

If you have registration questions please contact Purdue Extension-Knox County by calling 812-882-3509 or email

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Page last modified: March 1, 2021

Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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