The Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers 2021 (ID-56) – Vegetable Crops Hotline

The Midwest Vegetable Production Guide for Commercial Growers 2021 (ID-56)

We would like to remind readers about the 2021 version of the Midwest Vegetable Production Guide (ID-56). The new guide has been produced; however, the usual printed versions will not be for sale since we will have no in-person meetings at which to sell them. To find out how to access the on-line guide, or to print your own guide, read on.

Search the guide on-line: The Midwest Vegetable Production Guide is searchable and on-line. That is, you can point your browser to and then click on the icons to search for your crop and pest. Once you have completed a search, you can download the search, save it and even print it off if you want. If you have questions about the details of such searches, contact me.

Print the guide from your computer: If you are already at, go to the menu that runs across the top of the page above the photo icons. The second menu item to the right is production guide. Or point your browser to If you scroll down, you will see where you can click on ‘Download the Whole Guide’. If you continue to scroll down, you will see where you can click on and download individual tables or sections. Regardless of what you decide to download, you can staple it together or put it in a 3-ring binder and place it on your desk or in your truck.

Print on demand: Go to www.thebookpatch/bookstore. Then click on bookstore and search for vegetable. Or click here. For $15.20 plus shipping, you can purchase a spirally bound copy.

I am sorry that meetings and publications are so complicated this year. Rather than get frustrated, just call me at (812) 886-0198 or email me at I will help you navigate the on-line version or help you get your own printed copy.

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Page last modified: April 24, 2023

Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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