Community Meeting to Discuss Indiana Fresh Produce Food Safety Audit Service – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Community Meeting to Discuss Indiana Fresh Produce Food Safety Audit Service

Fruit and vegetable farmers, wholesale produce buyers, agency personnel, and others are invited to attend a Community Meeting to discuss the potential development of an Indiana Fresh Produce Food Safety Audit Service. This community event is a critical component of a study being conducted by New Venture Advisors and Liz Maynard to assess whether or not an Indiana Food Safety Audit Service should be developed and, if so, how it should be structured.

This community meeting will be an opportunity for us to hear from fruit and vegetable farmers who would want to utilize an Indiana Audit Service and are interested in helping to shape the concept. We are also seeking ideas and feedback from wholesale produce buyers, members of state agencies and other stakeholders in Indiana.

When: Wednesday, March 23, 2016, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM Eastern Time

Location: Third Floor, Discovery Hall, Indiana State Fairgrounds, Indianapolis

RSVP by Friday March 18th: Liz Maynard, or (219) 548-3674.

If you are unable to attend but want to hear about other opportunities to participate in this study, please contact Liz and we will be in touch.

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Page last modified: January 31, 2019

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