Looking for Collaborators on High Tunnel Spider Mite Project – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Looking for Collaborators on High Tunnel Spider Mite Project

Are you interested in collaborating with Purdue Entomology on the grant “Improving two-spotted spider mite management in high tunnel cucumber production” funded by North Central SARE, Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (LNC20-438)? The primary objectives of this research are to increase our understanding of two-spotted spider mite dynamics and management in a high tunnel cucumber production system (Figures 1-2). To improve the management of the two-spotted spider mites, we have identified four different biopesticide spray programs and predatory mite species that we want to evaluate on YOUR farm. We will provide you with the products/biological control agents, mixing and application instructions, and compensation for participating.

Twospotted spider mite egg and adult.

Figure 1. Twospotted spider mite egg and adult (Photo by John Obermeyer).


TSSM damage on cucumber plants

Figure 2. TSSM damage on cucumber plants (Photo by Laura Ingwell).

What we need from you:

  1. We ask that you provide detailed records of planting dates and any other crop management details (fertilizer, other pesticide, or biological control applications).
  2. Dates of the biopesticide/predatory mite applications and the number of plants treated.
  3. Leaf samples collected prior to the first application and periodically afterward to record the number of two-spotted spider mites or natural enemies present on the crop. Depending on your farm’s location, we may ask you to collect the leaf samples and ship them to us. We will provide the supplies, including pre-labeled and postage-paid envelopes.

What you can expect from us:

  1. All biopesticides/predatory mites will be provided by us.
  2. Data loggers to measure temperature and humidity will be supplied and placed inside your high tunnel during your participation in the project.
  3. Periodic visits to your farm by researchers to discuss research progress, your concerns and to collect or help to collect leaf samples.
  4. An invitation to collaborate on extension objectives to determine effective ways to disseminate our research findings.
  5. Direct support from our research team to help you make decisions regarding pest management.

Thank you for your consideration, and we look forward to working with you! Please email one of us directly if you are interested.
• Leslie Alejandra Aviles Lopez (PhD, student; lavilesl@purdue.edu)
• Laura Ingwell (Principal Investigator; lingwell@purdue.edu)

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Page last modified: June 1, 2023

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