Mini Seedless Watermelon Varieties – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Mini Seedless Watermelon Varieties

We conduct standard seedless watermelon variety trials at Southwest Purdue Agricultural Center each year. In a separate trial, we evaluate mini seedless watermelon varieties. Mini watermelons refer to fruit ranging from 4.4 to 8.8 lbs, although the industry considers 6-7 lbs fruits ideal. Fruit in a wide range of sizes is suitable to sell at local food markets.

Watermelon is a popular fruit in the summer. But watermelon may not be the top crop choice in small and diverse vegetable farms. Part of the reason is the ample space required to grow standard-sized watermelons and the labor needed to harvest the heavy fruit. In comparison, mini watermelons may provide a better choice.

At Southwest Purdue Agricultural Center, we grow mini watermelons on black plastic-covered beds spaced 6’ apart, and in-row plant spacing 2’ apart. Each plant takes about half of the area compared to standard-size seedless watermelons. Each mini seedless watermelon plant produces up to 6 or 7 fruit in a good year compared to 2-3 fruit of standard-sized seedless watermelon plant. Most mini seedless watermelons we have evaluated in our trials have outstanding fruit quality. The uniform and deep-red flesh are attractive when the fruit is cut open. They typically have high sugar content and firm flesh. In 2021, our mini seedless watermelon trials achieved outstanding yields. Below are the results and pictures of selected varieties evaluated in 2021. The full variety trial report can be found at

Mini seedless watermelon varieties evaluated at the Southwest Purdue Agriculture Center in 2021

Mini seedless watermelon varieties evaluated at the Southwest Purdue Agriculture Center in 2021



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Page last modified: February 18, 2022

Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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