Purdue recently joined and became one of twenty US states that are in the NEWA network. NEWA is a partnership of land grant universities and grower associations. If you live in one of the states listed, you can buy a weather station for your farm and connect to NEWA. For Indiana growers, this means your membership is[Read More…]
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has proposed the following label changes including some use cancelations to the fungicides listed below. These fungicides mostly affect fruit growers; however, we include them here since many vegetable growers also grow fruit crops. Ziram, all conventional uses are proposed for cancellation. Thiram, all non-seed treatment uses proposed for cancellation.[Read More…]
This is the time of year when growers begin planting seed—whether you are child planting a few seeds in Dixie cup for a school project, home tomato growers, or professional horticulturists. Unfortunately, one problem you may share in common is damping-off. Damping-off describes the death of seeds or seedlings and includes all of the following[Read More…]