Upcoming Events – Pinney Purdue Vegetable Field Day and Sweet Corn Sampler July 9, 2015 - From Issue: 601 By: Liz Maynard Read More Pinney Purdue Vegetable Field Day and Sweet Corn Sampler. Thursday, August 13, 2015. 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. CDT. Pinney Purdue Ag Center, 11402 S. County Line Rd., Wanatah, IN.[Read More…] Article Categories: Corn Sweet Corn Solanaceous Crops Peppers Tomato Article Tags: Crop Culture Events Organic Production Pests and Pest Management – General Protected Culture and Season Extension Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
Corn Earworm July 9, 2015 - From Issue: 601 By: Rick Foster We are again seeing a lull in pheromone trap catches of corn earworms. However, I caution sweet corn growers to remain vigilant in checking their traps. Populations can increase rapidly,[Read More…] Article Categories: Corn Sweet Corn Tomato Article Tags: Insect and Mite Management
European Corn Borer July 9, 2015 - From Issue: 601 By: Rick Foster In years past, the European corn borer was the most important pest of sweet corn, as well as being a pest of peppers and other vegetables. Since the advent of[Read More…] Article Categories: Corn Sweet Corn Solanaceous Crops Peppers Article Tags: Insect and Mite Management
Corn Earworms June 12, 2015 - From Issue: 599 By: Rick Foster After a brief lull in pheromone trap catches, we have resumed catching earworm moths all around the state. Although most of the counts are relatively low (less than 10 per[Read More…] Article Categories: Corn Sweet Corn Solanaceous Crops Tomato Article Tags: Insect and Mite Management
Corn Earworms May 28, 2015 - From Issue: 598 By: Rick Foster 2015 marks the 40th year of my career as an entomologist and I still am surprised on a regular basis by how insects behave. I put out a corn earworm[Read More…] Article Categories: Corn Sweet Corn Solanaceous Crops Tomato Article Tags: Insect and Mite Management
Root and Seed Maggots April 27, 2015 - From Issue: 596 By: Rick Foster The cool, wet weather we have been having is perfect for the root and seed maggots in early planted vegetables. I have already received calls about onion maggots. If you[Read More…] Article Categories: Cole Crops Corn Cucurbits Legume Vegetables Root, Tuber, and Bulb Crops Article Tags: Insect and Mite Management
Pheromones and Pheromone Traps March 17, 2015 - From Issue: 594 By: Rick Foster One way insects communicate with individuals of the same species is with pheromones. Pheromones are volatile chemicals released by an insect that usually can be detected only by individuals of[Read More…] Article Categories: Corn Sweet Corn Solanaceous Crops Tomato Article Tags: Insect and Mite Management
Seed and Root Maggots March 17, 2015 - From Issue: 594 By: Rick Foster Three species of seed and root maggots attack vegetables in Indiana. The seedcorn maggot feeds on seeds and seedlings of sweet corn, cucurbits, lima and snap beans, peas, and other[Read More…] Article Categories: Cole Crops Corn Cucurbits Legume Vegetables Root, Tuber, and Bulb Crops Article Tags: Insect and Mite Management