Southern Indiana Vegetable Growers & Illiana Watermelon Accociation Winter Meeting – Vegetable Crops Hotline

Southern Indiana Vegetable Growers & Illiana Watermelon Accociation Winter Meeting

Southern Indiana Vegetable Growers Annual Meeting will be held in conjunction with Illiana Watermelon Association Convention (IWA). The meeting will take place on January 17th in French Lick, Indiana. The meeting agenda is posted below. Additional details about the event can be found on the IWA website.  Registration and booth questions should be directed to either John Young at or Rob Beets at

 French Lick Resort & Conference Center
8670 W. State Rd. 56
French Lick, IN 47432

Private Applicator Recertification Program credits will be available for an additional fee and will be collected at the end of the PARP session.  You must attend all the PARP sessions indicated on the agenda to receive credit. Bring your PARP card or number with you.



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Vegetable Crops Hotline - Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, 625 Agriculture Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47907

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